
We offer a range of ways to community to help you achieve the life balance you crave. Park bench chats, mindful walks or conversation in nature, and forest adventures. Choose your level, and get in touch.


Whether it’s a restaurant patio, coffee shop, dog park or local nature center, let’s work together to get you into your upper brain to keep you level throughout life’s stresses.

Park Bench Project

Looking to boost your overall health by taking a more natural approach to health and mental wellbeing? Meet with a coach in a natural setting, weather permitting and work toward a healthier you.

Forest Bathing

You don’t have to go deep into the forest to gain benefits from trees. Lower blood pressure, more creativity, stress relief and boosted immunity are just a few of the proven benefits of time in wooded areas.

Freedom from the effects of toxic stress feels like this
Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav on

Nurture your mind, body and spirit.