Achieving better health, naturally

American Life is increasingly stressful and the Standard American Diet is making us sick. American healthcare is making us sicker.

Watching loved ones suffer illnesses that became worse under medical care, I started researching how to avoid those illnesses. Little did I know, that would set me on a path toward feeling better at 50 than at 30 and having what feels a lot better than healthcare ever made me feel.

In my late 20’s, I starting being more active, thinking it might help me put off when I got type-2 diabetes. My Mom and her sisters all had it so I would too, right? Wrong. Type 2 diabetes is largely lifestyle.

I’m a generalist in many topics related to lifestyle medicine and believe we all suffer from nature deficit disorder. I bounce from thing to thing to study, never becoming an expert in any one thing but as I learn more and more about what keeps us healthy, happy and whole ~ I’m certain of two things.

One is that we should all have a savior at the center of our lives. Mine is Jesus.

Two is that our government, big pharma, big food and the media have sold us a LOT of lies!

Journey with me as I keep going further to the holistic world and find more truth. Truths about just how toxic our world is and how changes to more natural things improve quality of life.

It’s daunting to unlearn everything we’ve come to know, so just aim for a little change here and there. They begin to activate desires to be better to ourselves and the world around us.

Nature Nurtures Best

What if someone told you that your could get to your body’s ideal weight without counting calories or buying more diet products, all while improving your skin too? What if they also said you could shed health conditions that have plagued you for years, maybe even decades . . . wouldn’t that make you want to take notice and consider giving it a try?

Of course it would. Though, here’s where people lose interest. It’s not something you can buy. It’s not a pill or a piece of equipment or program.

This miracle health plan is called Lifestyle Change. It is built on a foundation of six key elements. Elements we should nurture, but instead we stay entrenched in our indoor lifestyles, filled with digital and consumeristic habits.

I think we have become an unhealthy and unhappy people and the only way to improve it, is get back to basics everywhere we can.

Quality Sleep

In bed no later than 10:00pm is the new flex.

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress is the catalyst for both mental and physical health decline.


Processed foods give life to disease. Whole foods can eradicate.


However you build it, muscle mass is key to staying younger and speeding injury and illness recovery.

Connection and Community

Interdependence with people who love and support you are a necessity to health.

Addressing Trauma

Trauma is the real gateway drug to addiction, mental health, disease and more. Get a counselor. And/or Jesus.

Rooted in truth

Somehow along the way, the world has forgotten what’s true. The Bible, for instance. We began to rely on what the world says. But the world lies. The government, medical schools, big pharma and food makers would have us believe if we just buy, eat, drink or take all the things they suggest, health will be ours!

What we need for true health doesn’t come from a grocery store or pharmacy. Medicines may help a lot of things, but the truth is health is best regained by keeping our diet, hygiene and homes more natural.

Nature Deficit Disorder

  • It should have an ICD-10 code
  • Termed such by Dr. Richard Louv
  • Cures have physical and emotional benefits
Photo by mali maeder on
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

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Nature shouldn’t seem like a place you must visit. But rather be at the center of your lifestyle.